Positive Connections: Leading Information and Support Groups for Adolescents Living with HIV is a unique guide that provides facilitators with background information about the needs of ALHIV, tips for starting an adult-led information and support group, and 14 sessions to follow in a group setting. The goal of the guide is to help ALHIV: Understand their HIV diagnosis and participate in the management of their care and treatment; Learn that many young people live healthy and productive lives while living with HIV; Identify strategies for positive living including adhering to their treatment regimen; Prevent transmitting HIV to others; avoid re-infection; consistently use family planning to prevent unintended pregnancy; and learn how to avoid infecting their babies, if they want to start a family; Develop life skills such as understanding their emotions, communicating effectively, dealing with stigma and discrimination, making decisions about their future, and improving their quality of life.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation