This supplement of the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health includes contains a series of freely accessible articles on school-based HIV/AIDS prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. Articles inlcude: School-based HIV/AIDS prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa; Development and test-retest reliability of a research instrument designed to evaluate school-based HIV/AIDS interventions in South Africa and Tanzania; Parental education as an indicator of socioeconomic status: Improving quality of data by requiring consistency across measurement occasions; The application of Intervention Mapping in developing and implementing school-based sexuality and HIV/AIDS education in a developing country context: The case of Tanzania; Process evaluation of a school-based HIV/AIDS intervention in South Africa; HIV education in South African schools: The dilemma and conflicts of educators; Teachers' confidence in teaching HIV/AIDS and sexuality in South African and Tanzanian schools; Sociodemographic variations in communication on sexuality and HIV/AIDS with parents, family members and teachers among in-school adolescents: A multi-site study in Tanzania and South Africa; Dating violence among school students in Tanzania and South Africa: Prevalence and socio-demographic variations; Correlates of intention to use condoms among Sub-Saharan African youth: The applicability of the theory of planned behaviour; Social outcome expectations regarding delayed sexual debut among adolescents in Mankweng, South Africa; Young people's understanding of HIV: A qualitative study among school students in Mankweng, South Africa; I am not "umqwayito": A qualitative study of peer pressure and sexual risk behaviour among young adolescents in Cape Town, South Africa.

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