This report presents findings of a stocktaking exercise on research on HIV and education undertaken by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in September 2008. The stocktaking exercise was commissioned by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education to inform a meeting of the IATT on "Expanding the Evidence Base and Research on HIV and Education". Following a description of the methodology used for this review, a summary of findings by theme and sub-theme is presented, followed by an annotated bibliography of the documents relevant to the theme/sub-theme. The future and potential research interests of members of the IATT, as listed in the questionnaires, are presented in boxes throughout the text, beside the appropriate theme/sub-theme. It served as an introduction to consideration of the IATT's broader role in relation to the key gaps - in the use and dissemination of research and advocating for the gaps to be filled. It also assisted in narrowing down key issues which the IATT could consider commissioning research on, in light of the strategic approach and the IATT's comparative advantage.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation