This report contains results of the survey conducted to establish views of the various stakeholders on the question of re-entry of pregnant girls in schools. It outlines the existing status as seen by the various participants in the study - teachers, students and pupils, parents, CSO actors, community leaders and local government officials, MOES officials and MPs. It also outlines existing practices, perceptions around retention and re-entry of pregnant girls as well as a number of policy proposals as obtained from the participants and a general understanding from other experiences on the continent. The overall impression from the survey across the country was that society is changing. There is more receptivity of the community on the education of the girl child and the preference for boy child education is no longer the norm. Many examples are cited where educated girls have looked after their aging parents. There is also a general realisation that teenage pregnancy is largely accidental as girls are often victims of rape, defilement and other coercive acts to lure them into early sex. Hence, the ground for a policy on pregnant girls in schools is fertile and in the words of some participants in the study - ‘the policy is long overdue’.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation