This study was carried out between March and September 2003. It aims to inform policymakers at national and international levels about models of community-based care for children who have lost one or both parents (orphans) and vulnerable children - in particular, models which are sustainable and capable of delivering long-term benefits for children. The objective of the study was to contribute to the debate and understanding of best practices of child protection and support in communities affected by HIV/AIDS through a detailed analysis of the Child Social Care Project, its partners and other agencies in Rakai. To do this, we focused on two main questions: What have been the long-term impacts of the project, both for the beneficiary children and for the staff, volunteers and communities with whom we worked? What can we learn from this and other models since implemented in Rakai on effective interventions to protect and support children who have lost one or both parents and other vulnerable children?

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation