This manual is prepared for teachers and it provides resources (including fact sheets, accurate information and data about HIV and STIs) and gives examples of interactive skill-building activities. These tools can strengthen teaching and advocacy skills of teachers and trade union leaders. The manual can support and increase unions' efforts to apply their unique capacities and experiences to strengthen HIV-related curricula and training programmes for teachers and other members of the community. The objectives of the manual are to: 1) Provide teachers, trade union leaders and their constituency with a sustainable product they can use in their countries to strengthen school health programmes in general, and to prevent HIV infection in particular; 2) Support ongoing EI seminars in different countries and assist EI members in implementing the EI recommendations and resolutions on Health Promotion and Education for HIV Prevention; 3) Involve teacher trade union leaders, their constituency, and teachers (as local experts and implementers) throughout the design, development and revision of the manual; 4) Provide teacher trade union leaders, their constituency, and teachers with useful activities and resources to strengthen their advocacy skills and their use of participatory teaching methods to prevent HIV and STIs and related discrimination; 5) provide teacher trade union leaders, their constituency and teachers with resources and learning activities to address their own risks and concerns about HIV and STIs and other health issues; 6) Enable teacher trade union leaders, their constituency, and teachers to use modern, interactive learning experiences to help young people acquire the skills needed to avoid HIV and STIs and reduce related discrimination. The book also contains participatory learning activities which were designed by African teachers to prevent HIV infection and related discrimination. Each activity contains information that can be used to guide teachers. With these activities, adults and students can be helped to develop skills relevant to HIV and AIDS prevention.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation