The purpose of this research was to improve our understanding about the current impact of HIV/AIDS on primary education in four Eastern and Southern African countries, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda through collecting empirical data. At both the national and local levels, we examined the impact on the teaching force in different districts; the socio-economic situation of orphans in each country; and, assessed the potential for routine monitoring using different sources. At the local level, we have examined how the HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected schooling amongst affected communities and, in addition, the levels of knowledge and attitudes amongst both students and teachers in order to assess the need and relevance of preventive education. The pilot studies and the main fieldwork were carried out in five districts in Kenya, three districts in Mozambique and one district each in Tanzania and Uganda. The research was very well received and supported in all four countries.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation