The CHANGES2 program is funded by USAID/ZAMBIA through an EQUIP1 Associate award. It is implemented by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the Zambia Ministry of Education. Its aim is to strengthen basic education teachers' professional skills related to health and education with a special emphasis on HIV/AIDS prevention. The program concentrates basic education activities in four of Zambia's nine provinces, namely Lusaka, Copperbelt, Central and Southern Provinces. Several key findings included: Significant disparities in knowledge of HIV/AIDS between community, government and grant-aided schools; Lower levels of perception of risk for acquiring HIV/AIDS in urban versus rural areas, despite higher prevalence rates in urban areas; Large number of orphans (50% of sample) who routinely do not eat both before and during school; High-levels of parity in self-efficacy among genders in perceived ability to negotiate abstinence; Importance of providing teacher training to improve pedagogy, SHN and HIV/AIDS outcomes; Need for increased community engagement to support SHN, especially for OVC. Clear and pressing needs were demonstrated for the spectrum of CHANGES2 activities with those surveyed frequently lacking adequate knowledge, attitudes and practices relevant to HIV/AIDS, SHN and the provision of quality education.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation