
For additional information on the topics discussed in this section, please visit the following links:

Comprehensive Sexuality Education - Knowledge File by Rutgers, Netherlands shares results from several studies on the effects of limited teacher training.

A case study of Mongolia provides the experience of creating a training program for teachers in Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Advancing Human Rights, Gender Equality and Improved Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Teachers’ Conflicting Cultural Schemas of Teaching Comprehensive School-Based Sexuality Education in Kampala, Uganda calls for more research on differences between teachers’ beliefs and traditional CSE values.

CSE Scale-Up in Practice: Case Studies from Eastern and Southern Africa claims that the ultimate success of CSE hinges on well-trained teachers who receive ongoing support.

An Institutional Mapping Directory of courses, programs, diplomas, and degrees offered in 21 countries of the ESA region is provided in the Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Teacher Training in Eastern and Southern Africa.

IPPF’s Everyone’s Right to Know: Delivering Comprehensive Sexuality Education for All Young People emphasises the importance of teacher training for CSE, along with directives for what should be included.

The Regional Module for Teacher Training on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for East and Southern Africa provides nine core sessions designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively and confidently deliver CSE content in schools. Although designed for ESA teachers, much of the content and format can be adapted for use in other regions and countries.

Sexuality Education: Theory and Practice is a softcover textbook published by ETR in the United States. It is designed to be used in teacher preparation courses for teaching human sexuality, as well as an ongoing reference book for CSE teachers. The softcover book is available for purchase, it is not available online.