Since the first incident of HIV/AIDS in Kenya was reported in 1984, the Government responded with the sessional paper No.4 of 1997 detailing its policy framework on HIV/AIDS. This has resulted in a five-year national strategic plan on HIV/AIDS control.Consequently, on 25th November 1999, His Excellency the President declared HIV/AIDS a national disaster. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology was required to start HIV/AIDS education in all institutions of learning.The number of institutions targeted are 18,000 primary schools, 3,600 secondary schools, 21 teacher training colleges, 4 national polytechnics, 20 technical institutes, 16 institutes of technology and Kenya Teachers Training College.Following the declaration of HIVAIDS as a national disaster, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology embarked on preparation of syllabi and accompanying instructional materials suitable for all the institutions.The implementation of this curriculum has already started in the year 2000. However, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology requires support from partners to facilitate the in servicing and teaching of HIV/AIDS in the education institutions countrywide.A number of NCOS have carrying out the in servicing of teachers. They are not coordinated and need to be coordinated by the Ministry of education, Science and Technology. Currently about 2000 teachers have been in-serviced by the Government, NCOS, and other institutions. This number is minimal compared to the 240,000 teachers nationally who need the training.The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology needs to own and be the lead agency in HIV/AIDS preventive education. The ministry is in a better position to monitor and evaluate the activities of this Programme.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación