This Protocol is a part of Oxfam's efforts to promote the provision of community based sexual, reproductive health and HIV services for young people in the rural and tribal areas. The protocol can be used by the various community based health service providers in the rural areas for providing information services, counselling and testing, treatment for RTIs/STIs and other infections and home based care for people living with HIV. This protocol has been developed as an integral part of Oxfam's community based HIV prevention and care programme, implemented in low prevalence settings in India over a period of four years. Operational in 2,099 villages, the programme successfully reached out to almost 900,000 beneficiaries living in remote tribal and rural areas with HIV, sexual and reproductive health information and services. Key strategies for the programme included a peer-to-peer approach, behaviour change communications, life skills education, promoting access to sexual reproductive health and HIV services, capacity building of care providers, involvement of local governance institutions, advocacy at multiple levels and public-private partnerships. This protocol is based on many levels of consultations with young people, both male and female, drawn from general population as well as vulnerable population like males who have sex with males, injecting drug users, and commercial sex workers. Feedback from these consultations as well as the recommendations from the important stakeholders and experts working in the area was used to draw out protocols.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación