Since 2007, the longitudinal and qualitative ‘Real Choices, Real Lives’ (RCRL) study has been tracking the lives of girls and their families in nine countries around the world. In 2021, 118 girls and their families were participating in the study which has followed the girls since their births in 2006. This report aims to understand the gender and social norms present in key sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) areas including sexual education, puberty, menstruation, romantic relationships, adolescent pregnancy as well as child, early, forced marriages and unions (CEFMU) and gender-based violence (GBV) from both the perspectives of the girls and their caregivers. This current report uses longitudinal analysis to explore findings up to 2021, when the cohort girls were 15 years old. This report includes a wider overview of the literature on social and gender norms theory and why norms are important for adolescent SRHR before providing an overview of SRHR in each of the cohort countries. The Findings section of the report focuses on the RCRL interviews to offer insights into the way that girls and their caregivers approach and talk about SRHR while aiming to identify the social and gender norms that influence this approach.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación