Theatre for a Change (TfaC) is a registered non-governmental organization in Ghana which works to reduce the risk of HIV infection among marginalized and vulnerable groups through the use of interactive, participatory learning techniques. The HIV prevalence rate in Ghana is 1.37% and 11.1% among female sex workers (FSWs). In September 2012, following a period of mobilisation, TfaC began working with a group of 10 FSWs living and working in Old Fadama, Accra’s largest illegal settlement, to form the Peace and Love Club. The project offered, and continues to offer, three interventions: Behaviour change workshops focussed on sexual and reproductive health (SRH); Legislative theatre performances aimed at informing and influencing relevant decision-makers; Economic empowerment training and loan scheme. The focus of this interim impact assessment is to understand what changes have occurred in participants’ lives as a result of involvement in the Peace and Love Club for the first year of the project. A mixed method approach was used to collect data on changes in knowledge, behaviour and attitudes measured by the baseline survey carried out in January 2013.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation