Addressing stigma and discrimination towards school re-entry of teenage mothers in Ghana
This study investigates how teenage mothers in Ghana experience stigma and discrimination during their post-pregnancy and childbirth school re-entry phase.
This study investigates how teenage mothers in Ghana experience stigma and discrimination during their post-pregnancy and childbirth school re-entry phase.
As school meal programmes continue to expand globally, so too is the body of evidence from impact evaluations.
Sustainable school feeding programs (SFPs) in sub-Saharan Africa play a vital role in addressing malnutrition and poor educational outcomes among children.
The Teenage Pregnancy Policy for Schools aims to provide procedures, guidelines and regulations to be followed by schools, the Student Services Section in the Ministry of Education and Youth and the parents to assist them in decision making and providing support for students who become pregnant b
The second ECOWAS Regional Technical Conference on Homegrown School Feeding (HGSF), held in Dakar from May 21–23, 2024, brought together around 120 participants from ECOWAS and non-ECOWAS countries, alongside partners from international organizations and major financial institutions like the IsDB
Africa stands at a crossroads, with its future prosperity hinging on the policy and investment decisions it makes today. The continent has an opportunity to shape the trajectories of generations to come by investing in the success of a pivotal population: its adolescent girls.
Where do caregivers of school children stand on the perennial debate on cash versus in-kind transfers for social protection and human capital development?
The case studies from Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe featured in this brief show how catalytic funding can be instrumental to address gender-based violence in and around schools in a short period of time.
As one of the Sub-Saharan Countries, Lesotho is faced with the scourge of high new HIV infections, astounding early and unintended pregnancies (EUP) and child marriage.
Les enseignants peuvent ne pas se sentir préparés pour répondre à des questions spécifiques car les informations dont ils disposent ne sont pas suffisantes. Des fiches d’information sur les différentes thématiques permettront à l’enseignant d’améliorer ses connaissances au besoin.