
Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2000

Life skills manual

The manual consists of over 50 different lesson ideas that can be used with any group (anti AIDS clubs, boys and girls clubs, youth clubs etc) by health workers, parents, teachers, community volunteers or community leaders in addressing the important related issues of behavioural change that conc

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 1997

Learning and teaching about AIDS at school

HIV/AIDS education in schools is often denied to children and young people because the subject is considered too sensitive or controversial to be taught or it is difficult to find a place for it in an already overcrowded school curriculum.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 1999

Peer education and HIV/AIDS: Concepts, uses and challenges

This paper provides background information from the planners and participants involved in the International Consultation on Peer Education and HIV/AIDS that took place in Kingston, Jamaica, 18-21 April 1999.