Éducation sexuelle

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2010

Education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexuality in Indonesia: an assessment on the integration of HIV and drugs, reproductive health, and drug abuse issues in junior and secondary schools in Riau Islands, Dki Jakarta, West Kalimantan, Bali, Maluku a

This assessment has been conducted to provide an overview of the education sector's response to the current HIV epidemic in Indonesia, and to offer a set of recommendations meant to complement and strengthen the response.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2009

Health and Family Life Education Teacher Training Manual

The main goal of the manual is to provide regional coordinators with materials to conduct teacher-training in the HFLE Common Curriculum on two unit themes: Self and Interpersonal Relationships (which incorporates violence prevention) and Sexuality and Sexual Health (which includes HIV/AIDS preve

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2010

Left without a choice. Barriers to reproductive health in Indonesia

This report reflects Amnesty International's recent analysis on the extent to which certain Indonesian laws have incorporated international human rights law and standards, including provisions contained in CEDAW, to which Indonesia is a state party.

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2010

Inquietudes sobre la educación integral en sexualidad

Algunas personas pueden no estar seguras de la implementación de procesos de educación integral en sexualidad, a pesar de comprender la urgencia de actuar ante alarmantes indicadores de embarazos en niñas y adolescentes, incremento de la mortalidad materna, la violencia y violencia sexual o las i