Webinar | 10 Oct 2017
Webinar: Promoting Mental Health, Providing Psycho-Social Support in Schools

teen mental health

Promoting Mental Health, Providing Psycho-Social Support in Schools

Dr. Stan Kutcher is the Sun Life Financial Chair in Adolescent Mental Health and the Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre in Mental Health Policy and Training. He is a renowned expert in adolescent mental health and a leader in mental health research, advocacy, training, and policy and has been involved in mental health work in over 20 countries. His work in several low resource countries offers insights on how mental health programmes and teacher training can be delivered and sustained in such countries. He and his colleagues in those countries have successfully adapted an instructional programme and teacher training in mental health literacy.

Date: 13 October 2017 - 08.00 EDT/ 13.00 BST/ 15.00 EAT/ 20:00 SGT

Speaker: Dr Stan Kutcher, IWK Health Centre, Dalhousie University, Canada


The FRESH School Health and Nutrition webinar series provides monthly presentations by leading policy makers, researchers and implementers engaged in improving the health and education of children in low and middle income countries across the globe.