Curriculum planning guidelines for HIV/AIDS education

Toolkits & Guides
Helena MT.
Office of Public Instruction
37p., tabs.

This curriculum planning guide is meant to help Montana school districts design appropriate educational programmes, and provide schools with guidance on curriculum and related issues for age-appropriate HIV/AIDS prevention education. It includes the Montana Board of Public Education position statement on HIV/AIDS. Its contents are: 1) Montana Board of Public Education position statement on HIV/AIDS; 2) Instructional guidelines; 3) Guidelines for effective school health education to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS; 4) General criteria for evaluating an AIDS curriculum; 5) Matching approaches to AIDS education with childhood development; 6) Educational materials and resources on HIV/AIDS; 7) Where to find information; 8) OPI-Supported HIV/AIDS education; 9) Guidelines for reviewing human sexuality education materials; 10) Guidelines for non-school personnel presenting health programs in Montana schools; 11) CDC/DASH research to classroom project; 12) Montana Department of Health and Human Services recommendations for preventing the transmission of HIV in the school setting; 13) Montana HIV/AIDS education program.

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