Gender-based violence and HIV: a program guide for integrating gender-based violence prevention and response in PEPFAR Programs

Toolkits & Guides
Arlington, VA
70 p.
Title other languages
Violence basée sur le genre et VIH : guide pour intégrer la prévention et les actions de lutte contre la violence basée sur le genre dans les programmes PEPFAR
Violencia de género y VIH : una guía de programa para integrar la violencia de género en la prevencion y respuesta en los programas de PEPFAR
Violência baseada no género e HIV: manual programático para integrar a prevenção e a resposta contra a violência baseada no género em programas PEPFAR
Unyanyasaji wa kijinsia na vvu: mpango mwongozi wa kuunganisha uzuizi wa unyanyasaji wa kijinsia na majibu katika mipango ya PEPFAR

This guide is designed to help PEPFAR program managers address and respond to GBV within HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs. It serves as a starting point for HIV programs and services to contribute to a comprehensive response to GBV including through direct services for GBV survivors, community mobilization to address the root causes of violence, capacity building for service providers, and policy change and leadership to create an enabling environment for preventing, addressing, and ultimately ending GBV. In addition to mobilizing a comprehensive response to GBV, the issues, strategies, and actions presented are intended to reflect consensus-based recommendations from public health experts, women's groups, reference agencies such as WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), academic researchers, development partners, and others. These include using an evidence- and rights-based, gender-sensitive approach; fostering strong, functional linkages and integration within and between services and programs; mobilizing communities to address harmful gender norms that contribute to violence; coordinating across sectors; and monitoring and evaluating outcomes and impact to provide holistic services that address the legal, health, education, economic, and other needs of survivors, their families, and communities.

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