In 2019, Theatre for a Change started implementing a new project in partnership with GIZ, the German government’s international development agency. The project focuses on improving the ability of teachers to protect primary school children from sexual and gender-based violence in flood-affected areas of Southern Malawi. This project was designed in response to the devastating flooding experienced by Malawi in 2019, where in addition to loss of homes and livelihoods, women and girls faced a heightened risk of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). We are training pre-service and in-service teachers to understand, prevent and respond to SGBV, particularly in the context of flood emergencies. Our intensive training programmes are taking place across four Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) and 10 schools. Once trained, these teachers go on to set up and deliver Girls’ Clubs in 40 of the most vulnerable and flood-prone schools. These clubs use theatre, participatory learning and Interactive Radio Drama to explore gender rights, SGBV and to encourage and support girls to report abuse.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação