In Macedonia there is a need for introducing sexuality education in schools. This finding is a result of a research determining the needs of the parents, teachers and students, and reviewing the current school curricula. Both parents and teachers agree on the introduction of sexuality education as a regular subject in schools. Such subject, among others, must develop the practical skills for protection from risks related to sexual activity. Besides the fact that both parents and teachers are insufficiently informed about each of the areas which should form part of a comprehensive sexuality education, both seem open to introduction of a model which will promote sexual diversity. Teachers feel unprepared to teach a number of comprehensive sexuality education topics and fail to recognize each of the aspects of sexual privacy of students. Students think that a comprehensive sexuality education in schools should form part of the official state school curricula. At present, they are not recognizing schools as institutions where responses to their questions and to sexuality related information in general, could be provided. Moreover, it was discovered that students have no positive attitude and values with regard to sexuality and that they, quite readily, adopt current prejudices and stereotypes. Nevertheless, while taught in school they fail to develop skills in order to make informed decisions regarding their sexual challenges. They are not informed about their right to sexual privacy and there are some indications that this right of theirs is often denied to them. This insight into the curricula, i.e. the textbooks, shows that the Macedonian education system lacks professional and harmonized view of policy for provision of sexuality information, i.e. information on sexual and reproductive health and rights. There is no information on a number of topics which form integral part of a comprehensive sexuality education (condom use, living with HIV, sexual and reproductive health services, legal protection, masturbation, violence, rights and pleasure).

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação