Monitoring and evaluation of sexual and reproductive health interventions: a manual for the EC/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia

Toolkits & Guides
The Hague
Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
112 p.

The manual is a tool aimed at helping organisations to monitor and evaluate sexual and reproductive health interventions, whether they be individual projects or part of larger programmes like the EC/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia. The handbook acquaints the reader with concepts and terminology underlying the objectives of the RHI and ICPD/POA, the scope and focus of project monitoring and evaluation and their different functions, the use of a conceptual model for monitoring and evaluation and its relationship with the logical framework and the systems analysis framework. It furthermore elucidates the formulation and selection of appropriate indicators, the sources and methods of data collection, the monitoring and evaluation plan and the use of findings for planning and policy formulation.

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