The overall objective of the conference was to contribute to the thinking on Goal 3 of EFA Goals using the experiences/learning of existing governmental/non governmental efforts in the South Asian Region. The deliberations that took place at the conference provided a platform for practitioners as well as policy makers from government/non government organizations/agencies in the South Asian region, who are working with out of school adolescents, to share their experiences and ideas with each other. Over the course of the three days, participants from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Bhutan reflected on their work and the contribution of their programmes to achieving Goal 3 (Promote learning and life skills for young people and adults) of the Education For All (EFA) Goals. At the conclusion of the conference participants prepared a set of recommendations (included at the end of this report) to be shared with officials of MHRD and Ministries of respective countries, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports as well as the Planning Commission. The presentations for the conference were organized around the following themes: Inculcating life skills amongst adolescents; Basic Education for out of school adolescents; Gender equity and empowerment; Favourable environments, safer spaces and freedom from exploitation; Democratic participation: Engaging with adolescents on issues related to governance and accountability; Adolescents sexuality, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS; Holistic Programmes for Cross Cutting issues; Challenges of Employability. Around 50 papers were presented during the initial two days of the conference on various themes covering strategies, successes, challenges and future directions.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação