The way the money goes: An investigation of flows of funding and resources for young children affected by HIV/AIDS

Toolkits & Guides
The Hague
Bernard van Leer Foundation
44 p.
Periodical title
Working Papers in Early Childhood Development. Young children and HIV/AIDS sub-series 37

The way the money goes: An investigation of flows of funding and resources for young children affected by HIV/AIDS surveys the ways in which funding for HIV/AIDS care is disbursed. It is evident that only a small and insignificant amount is being targeted on interventions focusing on early childhood development in HIV/AIDS-affected communities. Certain categories of intervention under headings like 'prevention' and 'orphans and vulnerable children' can extend suitable support to very young children, but the question remains: Is this the most effective way to spend the available funds, bearing in mind the special needs of such children?

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