Estudos de casos e investigação

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 1999

Peer education and HIV/AIDS: Concepts, uses and challenges

This paper provides background information from the planners and participants involved in the International Consultation on Peer Education and HIV/AIDS that took place in Kingston, Jamaica, 18-21 April 1999.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2003

HIV and Education

In this document, Coombe points out ways in which the education sector must be implemented in bringing about effective response plans to HIV/AIDS, not only in terms of prevention but also in terms of treatment and care.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2001

Rethinking some of our perceptions about HIV/AIDS and education

This note attempts to examine some of the evidence we now have about HIV/AIDS and education. It reviews some of our perceptions, and how they are being adjusted in ways that can help us respond more accurately to HIV/AIDS and education in Southern Africa.