Política e Estratégia

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2017

Stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle. Agenda 2017 - 2030

La stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle couvre les champs suivants : l’accès aux droits humains (2), le respect des genres et des sexualités ; la promotion de la santé sexuelle par l’information, l’éducation, la communication et

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2017

National school meals and nutrition strategy 2017-2022

This document outlines a strategy for the design and implementation of nutrition-sensitive school meals in Kenya. It is based on the commitment of the Government of Kenya to ensure that school children are well nourished and healthy and are able to learn and develop to their full potential.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2017

Eating and learning togther: recommendations for school meals

School meals are the highlight of the school day, and support learning, school satisfaction, food competence and development of food sense. The lunchbreak gives the daily work schedule a natural structure and provides pupils as well as school staff an opportunity for refreshment.