Política e Estratégia

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2006

HIV prevention strategy for young people in Pakistan

The National HIV Prevention Strategy for Young People in Pakistan lays out the situation of young people in Pakistan, an understanding of their vulnerabilities and risk to HIV and a strategic framework targeted to stem the current trend of the epidemic and to protect young people from potential r

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2008

University of Dschang HIV/AIDS Policy

The University of Dschang recognizes that HIV/AIDS is both a health and developmental issue, which concerns the entire University community and the Cameroonian society as a whole.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2008

The national HIV and AIDS strategic plan for the education sector 2007-2012

Through a consultative and participatory process, the Ministry of Education has developed a five-year costed strategic plan (2007 - 2012), to provide a framework for the entire Education Sector, to guide its accelerated response, mitigate the impact of AIDS and strengthen HIV prevention education

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2008

Workplace policy on HIV and AIDS

<p>The Ministry recognizes the important role education plays in reducing the spread of HIV and its responsibilities to provide guidance to its employees and others working education sector in Cambodia in providing effective education to the youth of Cambodia on HIV and AIDS.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2006

School health policy

School Health Policy is an important contribution to improving the quality of education and reducing the transmission rate of various diseases, including HIV and AIDS in response to the National Plan on Education for All through the assurance of justice, social equity and child rights as well as

Declarations |

Sida y Educación de las Niñas

Documento que resalta la importancia de que las niñas vayan a a la escuela como medio para dotarlas de herramientas de prevención del VIH/SIDA y protegerlas de todo tipo de violencia y discriminación, y de como hasta ahora por su condición tienen menos probabilidades de asistir a algún establecim