Américas e Caribe

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2004

Not Yet: Programs to delay first sex among teens

Not Yet: Programs to Delay First Sex Among Teens is part of the National Campaign's "Putting What Works to Work" project, an effort to publish and disseminate the latest research on teen pregnancy in straightforward, easy-to-understand language and provide clear implications for po

Conference Reports
Conference Reports | 2003

HIV/AIDS: The Power of Education

The document "HIV/AIDS: The Power of Education" transcribes the speeches pronounced by different specialists at the opening ceremony of the UNICA/UWI/UNESCO Conference on HIV/AIDS and Education, in October 29, 2003.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2010

Questions and answers: gender identity in schools

This document provides answers to some of the most common questions that educators, parents/caregivers, school administrators, and health professionals may have about gender identity in the Canadian school context.