What Does Community Engagement Involve?

What Does Community Engagement Involve?

Source: Chandra-Mouli et al. (2018) – “Building Support for Adolescent Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education

Community engagement involve several steps, including:

  • Knowing the community in order to become familiar with individuals and organisations that can both aid in implementation and form potential partnerships;

  • Building trust within the community, especially among the young people who will be served by the CSE programme;

  • Starting discussions with the community in order to listen to input and concerns and build community comfort and facility with providing CSE;

  • Developing messages and content for the community that reflects the religious and cultural beliefs within the community, and that integrates language that is age- and developmentally-appropriate for youth; and,

  • Following up in order to keep the community informed about your program.

Here are some tips for implementing these steps effectively:

What Does Community Engagement Involve?

(Source: IPPF, 2017 -- Deliver + Enable Toolkit)