
For additional information on the topics discussed in this section, please visit the following links:

The revised International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education, referenced throughout this Toolkit, offers a wide range of guidance on supporting country and regional leaders in putting mechanisms into place to successfully implement and sustain CSE programming.

UNESCO’s Emerging Evidence: Lessons and Practice in Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A Global Review, 2015 offers extensive rationales and links to additional research for making the case for CSE at the country and regional levels with a range of community stakeholders.

Young People Today, Time to Act Now: Why Adolescents and Young People Need Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Eastern and Southern Africa offers profiles summarizing the work of ESA countries in implementing CSE.

The UNFPA Operational Guidance for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: A Focus on Human Rights and Gender addresses numerous issues listed throughout this toolkit, and offers additional resources to support CSE programming and implementation.

How to Hold CSE Dialogues with Communities -- UNESCO

Additional Resources for Engaging Parents in CSE:

Children and Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights”: Activities Guide for Parents - Save the Children

Capacity Building in Comprehensive Sexuality Education Community Outreach: A Manual for Programmers in Schools and Communities – UNESCO

Best Practices for Family Engagement in Sex Education Implementation – The WISE Toolkit

Additional Resources for Engaging Faith Leaders and Communities in CSE:

Religion & Sexuality: A Report on Faith-Based Responses to Children’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Information - commissioned by Save the Children International in partnership with International Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV and AIDS (INERELA+).

Culture Matters: Working with Communities and Faith-Based Organisations -- UNFPA

Religious Leaders: Know More about CSE and Youth Friendly Services! -- UNESCO

Additional Resources for Engaging the Media in CSE:

Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe -- WHO Regional Office for Europe and BZgA

Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Evidence and promising practices in West and Central Africa -- UNFPA

Additional Resources for Engaging Health Service Providers in CSE:

Developing Sexual Health Programmes: A Framework for Action – World Health Organization