This is the report of a National Consultative Forum with Religious Leaders on the Education Sector Response to Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Kaduna, Nigeria. The need for a National Consultative Forum arose since there was continuous resistance to the content of the Family Life HIV/AIDS Education curricula in Nigeria. The core of the resistance was from organisations who subscribe to both the Islamic and Christian faith. It was hence expedient to get the leadership of both the Islamic and Christian faith to share insights on what they were comfortable with. This report thus summarises the deliberations of the workshop including the reviewing of the Family Life HIV/AIDS Education Curricula. The report is structured to include; 1 List of Acronyms, 2 Acknowledgement, 3 Foreword and Introduction, 4 Opening Plenary, 5 Technical Presentations, 6 Matters Arising, 7 Group Work, 7 Consensus Statement, 8 Closing Plenary and 9 Photosplash. The annexes include the programme of events, list of participants and presentations.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação