The overarching objective of the consultation was to review and synthesize the experiences of young people living with HIV and health workers responsible for providing services for them, including the identification of gaps and obstacles in the provision and use of services, in order to offer practical recommendations on how to improve the health sector response. Eight priority challenges were identified to which the health sector should respond: lack of accurate, relevant, appropriate and non-judgemental information targeting young people; lack of services, as a result of multiple barriers to provision, access and use, including scarcity of adolescent-friendly health workers; consent and confidentiality; lack of psychosocial support; problems with adherence; difficulties with disclosure; stigma, discrimination and isolation; and transitions of care (from paediatric to adolescent, and from adolescent to adult). The consultation highlighted the considerable need for better data on different groups of young people living with HIV, in terms of current and future needs for treatment and care, and for additional research focused on identifying and responding to their specific needs. The meeting concluded with the formulation of action plans relating to the priority challenges facing the health sector, including tasks to be accomplished in the next 6 and 24 months, and responsibilities for achieving them.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação