Health and Family Life Education, Activity Guide, Grade One is a document edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana. It is made to assist teachers as they start the process of delivering life skills based education. The questions which accompany each scenario are intended to offer guidance in developing the skill. The guide contains 14 topics divided into 3 Units. The different topics are, Unit 1 : (1) Civic Responsibility; (2) Who I am?/Myself; (3) Environmental Health; (4) Right to a Name and Nationality; (5) Stages of Growth; (6) Unit 2 : Time, its importance; (7) Family Values; (8) Good and Bad Habits; (9) Garbage Disposal; (10) Sexual Abuse; (11) The Right to Equality; (12) Unit 3 : Money; (13) Expressing Feelings; and (14) Diseases.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação