This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993. The introductory part of the report gives a brief description of the international context and summarizes an overview of the possible impact of HIV/AIDS on education. Chapter II presents the findings of the research on policy responses to the impact on education in a number of selected developing countries, and Chapter III , the findings of the studies at the micro level in Eastern Africa. A brief resume of the presentations on current research and speculation is given in Chapter IV, and summaries of the discussions in the plenary sessions and in the working groups, as well as recommendations to the international community, are included in Chapter V . The background paper to the seminar is presented in Annex 1, and a full programme and list of participants are attached as Annexes 2 and 3.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação