The IIEP HIV/AIDS Forum was conceived with two themes in mind - of information sharing and of community building. It aimed to create a virtual network of education professionals working against HIV/AIDS, while promoting the exchange of successful interventions, and establishing consistency within programme development. The participants represented more than 50 countries from all over the world, with more than half from Africa. Fourteen percent worked in ministries and International agencies with the NGOs, Universities, and UN agencies equally represented in the discussion. Each week, the forum Moderator sent an opening statement taken from the reading materials followed by some general discussion questions. The fourth week was reserved for open-discussion to allow the participants an opportunity to share information and network freely. At the end of each week a compilation of the comments were emailed to the members. A weekly summary was drafted to draw together the main themes brought up during that week’s discussion and to allow for easy reference to the meetings. Over the four-week period, three major themes were established for discussion: - examining unquestioned assumptions; - flexibility in educational provision; - enhancing student responsibility. This report compiles the weekly summaries of the forum discussion and brings together the key issues that were brought up throughout the four weeks.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação