This manual has various sections aimed at: Providing information about Reproductive Health, STI, HIV and AIDS, in a youth-friendly experiential way; Helping young people explore their values and understand themselves, their sexuality and reproductive health; Enabling peers to acquire skills and reform their attitudes in a way that will influence them to make healthier, safer life choices as well as encourage positive behaviour change; Providing information for youth > 15, sexually active youth and married youth about the correct and consistent use of condoms that are coupled with information about abstinence as the only 100 percent effective method of eliminating risk of HIV infection; and the importance of HIV counselling and testing, partner reduction, and mutual faithfulness as methods of risk reduction. This manual is designed for young people working with their peers to improve their knowledge on their sexual health/HIV/ AIDS /STI, and to help reform their attitudes in a positive way and impart skills that would be relevant in effecting a positive behaviour change. However, the manual can also be used by anyone working with young people.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação