This manual is intended to assist upper primary and lower secondary school teachers in the delivery of the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum particularly in the area of human sexuality. In an effort to make teachers more comfortable with material and so to improve their levels of competency in the area of the curriculum regarding Human Sexuality, the Ministry of Education has embarked on a number of initiatives. This manual on Human Sexuality is one such initiative. When adopted by teachers, it will better prepare them to deal with student's concerns and to confidently engage in dialogue with students. The manual offers teachers a programme of structured experiences that aims to support them in the delivery of this very important component of the HFLE curriculum. It also seeks to provide students with a better understanding and appreciation of their maleness and femaleness - what is to be a boy or a girl, a man or a woman. This manual is comprised of four units and a final section: - Unit 1 provides a framework in which the teacher can develop his/her expertise in the implementation of HFLE programme and in particular human sexuality which is a very sensitive area of the curriculum. - Units 2, 3 and 4 serve as a teaching programme and concentrate on three aspects/area of human sexuality: 2: Reproductive Health, 3: Sexual Responsibility and 4: Gender and Stereotypes. - The final section contains a bibliography and an appendix. Generally it provides sample materials and other resources on which the teacher can draw for the implementation of the programme.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação