This document supports eight workshops addressing gender-based violence in South African schools and how it is related to HIV and AIDS. It can be used at secondary school level and was developed specifically as a professional development tool to be used at school or district level with teachers, school management teams and school governing bodies in order to tackle gender based violence, which includes rape, sexual harassment and homophobia. This document could be useful for NGO's, educators and other organizations who are working with youth. Each workshop is accompanied by a background paper, workshops which tackle gender and HIV and AIDS discussions on how a number of attitudes and behaviours have contributed to the relationship between sexual violence and HIV infection. The last section of this workshop is on education and how sexuality education is an important AIDS prevention strategy. The remaining workshops cover the following topics: 1) Introduces gender-based violence to participants; 2) Strategies for working with learners on sexual harassment; 3) Violence against Lesbians and Gay boys and men; 4) Abuse of learners - some guidelines for educators; 5) Teachers as agents for facilitating healing; 6) Gender and HIV and AIDS; 7) School policy on sexual harassment; and 8) For use with school governing bodies.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação