Save the Children began working in Malawi in 1983, and in the southern Mangochi district in 1993. Among its earliest concerns in Mangochi was adolescent reproductive and sexual health. In 1999, SC launched Nchanda ni Nchanda (Youth to Youth), a five-year program that used an array of approaches to improve the reproductive and sexual health of people aged 10 to 25. Nchanda ni Nchanda implemented peer-to-peer education within youth clubs; established 39 youth resource centers; engaged health providers in SC’s hallmark Partnership-Defined Quality approach to increase their understanding of ARSH needs and their ability to provide youth-friendly health services; and trained young community-based distribution (CBD) agents to counsel and provide FP services to fellow adolescents. At project’s end, SC interviewed hundreds of young men and women, and found that those who had been exposed to Nchanda ni Nchanda reported later sexual debut, greater use of dual protection (condoms plus a second modern method) and positive changes vis-à-vis ABC messages (that is, abstinence, be faithful, and correct and consistent condom use). Use of modern contraceptives among participating women rose from 13 to 23 percent.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação