Theatre for a Change (TfaC) is a registered Non-Governmental Organization in Malawi and Ghana and a registered charity in the UK. TfaC’s goal is to reduce HIV infection among marginalized and vulnerable groups. TfaC’s Education Programme has three distinct components: The Teacher Training College (TTC) Programme, The Radio Project and The Primary School Project. The focus of this baseline report is the Primary School Project (PSP) which is the third component of TfaC’s Education Programme. The PSP uses trainee teachers who have been trained as HIV facilitators in the first component of the Education Programme to start after school AIDS Toto Clubs with primary school learners during their practicum. TfaC HIV facilitators use the TfaC curriculum and participatory learning techniques to address HIV, children’s rights and gender and sexual rights. The PSP’s first year of operation was the 2010 – 2011 school year. During this year, the PSP reached 4,100 students nationwide. The aim of this report is to provide baseline data to which the endline results can be compared in order to assess the impact of the Primary School Project.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação