The fourth in a series of UNESCO-Nairobi Cluster Consultations on HIV/AIDS and education took place from 21 to 23 June 2005 in Mombasa, Kenya. The consultation brought together senior education officials from Education and Teacher Service Commissions, Ministries of Education along with education and health stakeholders including representatives from teachers' unions and professional associations. Also participating were members of the Kenya Association of Positive Teachers (KENEPOTE), a network of HIV-positive teachers.The purpose of the consultation was to take stock of progress made toward meeting the recommendations of the second cluster consultation that took place in Kampala, Uganda, in June 2003. The Kampala consultation brought together for the first time education/teacher service commissions, teachers' unions and other stakeholders with the aim to increase awareness on the challenges imposed by HIV/AIDS to the provision and quality of the teaching service and to enhance commitment to respond swiftly and effectively. That consultation identified as a priority for the cluster, the development of policy frameworks on HIV/AIDS for the education workplace. Such workplace policy frameworks would outline the position of the Ministry of Education in relation to increasing the understanding of HIV/AIDS in the workplace and creating an enabling and supportive environment for those who are infected and all those living with HIV/AIDS. The workplace policy would address how Ministries of Education provide care and support to teachers and education employees already infected with HIV and propose how to organize and fund measures such as teacher replacement schemes, sick leave benefits, home-based care and more.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação