The American Institutes of Research (AIR)/Community Health and Nutrition, Gender and Education Support - 2 (CHANGES2) program was implemented through an EQUIP1 Associate Award. The program commenced operations in June 2005 and was completed in September 2009. CHANGES2 received funding from the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Africa Education Initiative (AEI), Development Assistance (DA), Fast Track Initiative (FTI), and the Economic Support Fund (ESF). With these varied sources of funds, a multi-component program was developed and implemented, providing support to the Zambian Ministry of Education (MOE) in addressing Teacher Education, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), School Health and Nutrition (SHN), School-Community Partnerships (SCP), and Small Grants. The program provided support to basic schools, community schools, high schools, and Colleges of Education (COEs).

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação