What Pre-Service Training is Available for CSE Teachers?

Pre-service training is the training teachers and other educators receive before they actually begin teaching in a classroom. What this pre-service training looks like will vary from country to country – and the requirements for pre-service training may be very different from community to community. Even so, access to pre-training is essential.

The National Teacher Preparation Standards for Sexuality Education from the United States provide guidance on how to prepare pre-service teachers to deliver CSE, including:

What Pre-Service Training is Available for CSE Teachers?

Teacher educators need to be taught how to utilise participatory methodologies to help student/pre-service teachers internalise the knowledge and skills to be acquired. The ways in which teachers learn about the methodology behind the delivery of life skills-based CSE

would be mirrored in their own teaching.

For any pre-service training, it is important that all content areas of the CSE curriculum are included. Common challenges in pre-service trainings that impact content delivery include:

  1. Lack of strategies for delivering content curricula, especially taking into consideration local policies.

  2. Lack of knowledge, confidence, capacity, materials, and teaching methodologies amongst teachers.

  3. Lack of support, supervision, and mentorship for teachers.

  4. Personal fears, values, and discomfort with certain content areas that lead teachers to avoid them all together.

(Source: UNESCO, 2015 – “Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Teacher Training in Eastern and Southern Africa”)