Webinar | 06 Abr 2021
Webinar: The UNESCO Commission on the Futures of Education

UNESCO Futures of Education

In 2019, UNESCO convened an international commission to consider the potential futures of education (FOE). The FOE report (scheduled for November 2021) will build on the humanistic approach to education laid out in previous UNESCO reports such as the 1996 Delors Report and Rethinking Education in 2015. The social, economic and environmental context leading into 2050 includes persistent inequalities, social fragmentation, political extremism amidst the climate crisis. Children, parents, educators and schools are recovering from the huge disruptions of the Covid 19 pandemic which has exposed many of the fault-lines in education systems. These converging forces offer an opportunity to re-balance the purposes of schooling and to reposition health and development within their strengthened social and custodial functions.

This Open Web Meeting of the FRESH Partners will focus on the recovery and renewal of education and the repositioning of school health and development  within that global re-imagining and reform discussion.

Date: 6 April 2021


  • Noah Webster Sobe, Future of Learning & Innovation, UNESCO
  • Karen Mundy, FOE Commissioner, Ontario Institute for the Study of Education, Canada
  • Martin Henry, Research Coordinator, Education International
  • Dan Laitsch, Centre for Educational Leadership & Policy, Simon Fraser University

Presentation slides

The FRESH School Health and Nutrition Webinars are monthly presentations by leading policymakers, researchers, and implementers engaged in improving the health and education of children in low- and middle-income contexts. Sign up today!