
Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2011

Health education in schools: The challenge of teacher training

The aim of health education is to help all young people gradually to acquire the resources that they need in order to make choices and exhibit responsible behaviour concerning both their own health and that of others. It therefore enables young people to be effective citizens.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2014

Charting the course of education and HIV

More than three decades after the identification of the virus, HIV continues to affect millions of people worldwide even though infection rates are down in a number of countries. From the beginning, the education sector has played a central role in responding to HIV.

Conference Reports
Conference Reports | 2013

Promouvoir l'éducation pour la santé, la santé sexuelle et reproductive et la prévention du VIH et des conduites addictives auprès des jeunes au Maghreb: Enjeux et perspectives

Cette rencontre « Promouvoir l’éducation pour la santé, la santé sexuelle et reproductive et la prévention du VIH et des conduites addictives auprès des jeunes au Maghreb : Enjeux et perspectives » a réuni les partenaires concernés, ministères, associations, jeunes et experts afin de proposer une

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2010

Education au genre : l’école est-elle prête ?

L’école a toujours été gênée par la dimension intime de l’éducation à la sexualité. Au-delà de l’acte en soi, la sexualité renvoie de façon plus ou moins explicite aux rapports entre les sexes, à leurs tabous et à la myriade de stéréotypes qui vont avec.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2004

Practical approaches to HIV/AIDS education

Education needs to look at the development of individuals, their ability to think and reason, build up self-respect, as well as respect for others, think ahead and plan their future.