Some practical development proposals for counterattacking HIV in education in the medium to long-term
Document outlines strategies to beginto tackle HIV/AIDS. Programmes and interventions are explored in the education, public and private sectors.
Document outlines strategies to beginto tackle HIV/AIDS. Programmes and interventions are explored in the education, public and private sectors.
Soul City, a multi-media health project in South Africa has been effective in imparting much needed information on health and development, and in changing attitudes and behaviour as well.
A compilation of a list of organizations that provide financial assistance (direct and indirect) to programmes and events focused on adolescent reproductive and sexual health. The last part contains adolescent reproductive and sexual health weblinks.
Guía acerca de los componentes de campañas de respuesta al VIH/sida, los elementos a considerar según cada aspecto tratado (personas que viven con VIH, uso del preservativo, profesionales del sexo, usuarios de drogas, etc.).
Este manual sobre sexualidad y salud reproductiva es parte de una serie de cinco manuales llamados "Trabajando con Hombres Jóvenes".
The publication includes a synthesis and the summarized presentations given at the Regional Consultation on Strengthening the Provision of Adolescent-Friendly Health Services in Africa which was held in Harare, Zimbabwe on 17-21 October 2000.
The paper presents the consensus statement of the African Regional Consultation on Adolescent-Friendly Health Services (AFHS) facilitated by WHO, and UNICEF which was held in Harare, Zimbabwe from 17 to 21 October 2000.
The paper discusses the nature of operational policies, stresses the important role they play in the continum form national laws to local services, and provides a framework for reform.
The report summarizes proceedings of a meeting among international reproductive health community about power and its impact on reproductive and sexual health. Current challenges, programme and policy interventions, research gaps, and recommendations for action are presented in the report.
Este manual sobre razones y emociones es parte de una serie de cinco manuales llamados "Trabajando con Hombres Jóvenes". Este material fue elaborado para educadores de salud, profesores y/u otros profesionales o voluntarios que deseen o que ya estén trabajando con hombres jóvenes.