Using radio to keep young people in school
This project served as a community-based model in Zambia by integrating reproductive health and HIV/AIDS programming into a growing national initiative.
This project served as a community-based model in Zambia by integrating reproductive health and HIV/AIDS programming into a growing national initiative.
This training guide emphasizes an integrated approach to counseling youth during HIV testing. It features interactive exercises, participant practice sessions, PowerPoint slides, and other training tools.
This document is a manual designed to address the needs of faith-based organizations to reach youth with effective reproductive health and HIV & AIDS training materials published in 2006 by the FHI.
Youth who do not attend school or who drop out prematurely miss many of the fundamentals of basic education - reading and writing skills, mathematics, and science.
The handbook was developed to help service providers and health workers strengthen the reproductive health care and services offered to young women and men. It focuses primarily on preventing unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS.