Gender, HIV and human rights: a training manual

Toolkits & Guides
New York
207 p., figs., illus., tabs.
Title other languages
Genre, VIH et droits humains: manuel de formation
Genero, VIH y derechos humanos: un manual de capacitación

This manual was prepared to help trainers respond to the gender-related needs of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and skills relating to the gender dimension of HIV/AIDS among trainers. It consists of 4 major sections. Section 1: Challenges of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: The Gender & Human Rights Context, Section 2: Gender Concerns in HIV and Development, Section 3: Gender and HIV/AIDS: A Human Rights Approach and Section 4: Learning from Workshops. The manual offers a set of learning tools presented in a linear learning mode which could be used in either a non-sequential (stand-alone) manner or together (collectively) depending on the needs.

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