The National SHN Strategy aims to provide a uniform approach to agencies working in the field of health and nutrition of school children. Even after the formation of National SHN Strategy, there has not been any significant improvement in the situation of the health and education status of school children due to the lack of an integrated approach. Program duplication has also emerged as a major challenge for agencies working in this field. It became essential to identify the emerging health issues, challenges, gaps and viable solutions to increase synergy, understanding and commitment in the concerned stakeholders for effective and efficient implementation of National School Health and Nutrition Strategy. It was important to find a common approach to understand how Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP), can implement the National SHN Strategy effectively in close collaboration with SHN Network members. Identifying the need for a formal network MOES, MOHP, JICA, SC, CCS Italy and Hellen Keller International organized this one and half day workshop on National School Health and Nutrition (SHN) Strategy—Effective Implementation. This workshop also developed a joint action plan for endorsement and implementation of the National SHN Strategy for the optimum benefit of the investment and resources being put into the SHN programs in Nepal.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación