This guide is based on recent research into sexuality education and health promotion in Sweden and focuses on sexuality and personal relationships for the planning and implementation of teaching programmes. It outlines important questions to be asked before the development of any education programme on sexuality and personal relationships and is designed to assist schools in analysing and structuring these programmes, to promote discussions and develop the teacher's ability to respond in an open and instructive manner to questions about sexuality and relationships. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for teachers, youth leaders, school nurses, head teachers, school administrators and others in the school system on the planning and implementation of teaching programmes in the area of sexuality and personal relationships. It has been developed for schools in Sweden but can be adapted to different contexts. The guide provides a series of questions that each person involved in the school system might ask when developing programmes for sexuality and personal relationships. It is divided into four sections: Prerequisites. This section covers questions on support, resources, teaching materials and further training; Contents and methods. This section raises questions on what has to be done and how this can be achieved, as well as ways in which certain subjects are introduced into the learning process. Organization. This section looks at how the school organizes sexuality and personal relationships programmes - for example, who takes the course and how the school can ensure that all pupils receive an equivalent education. Planning and responsibilities. This section contains the objectives for education covering sexuality and relationships, the work plan and the message. Each section consists of a package of questions, followed by some additional questions entitled "Discussion and reflection". Most of the questions are general in nature and can be reformulated depending on the age group and the country concerned. The guide is a practical selection of questions for discussion and reflection. It may be used in different ways, for example: as a checklist for sexuality and personal relationships assignment; as a basis for one or more planning days for staff; to gain an overview of the assignment carried out by the school; to compare the responses to questions 'before' and 'after' the implementation of a programme for sexuality and personal relationships education.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación